hard riddles with answers
Ace of Diamonds King of Hearts Two of Spades. You will find riddles both long and short number riddles and word riddles and riddles with challenging answers and surprisingly simple ones. 53 Best Brain Teasers To Baffle And Befuddle Greeting Card Poet Funny Riddles With Answers Jokes And Riddles Fun Riddles With Answers In one shipment he sent a. . What has many teeth but cant bite. If they balance the one you didnt weight at all is the right pill. An ace is to the left of a heart. Now identify all three cards. Those with one e drank Pepsi 4. What has hands but cant clap. It does not wish to eat unless you strike its head. The virgin gave birth to a child and threw away the blanket. A girl fell off a 20-foot ladder. Who can shave 25 times a day but still have a beard. Challenging Adult Riddles Here are some fun yet complicated riddles for adults wanting to challenge themselves and really use the depths of thei...